Friday, July 24, 2009

Will The Real Jennifer's Body Please Stand Up?

If it weren't for Diablo Cody, there is no way in hell I'd be interested in Jennifer's Body, which, to my mind, is & shoulda remained a kickass Hole song. I do think Megan Fox is moderately intriguing though. I mean, so far. We haven't really gotten to see much of what she's capable (or not capable) of yet, but I am hopeful that she's got enough spunk to funk up the stale-as-a-week-old-cracker movie star biz. Plus, I'm a sucker for a pretty face. THiS interview she & Diablo just did at Comic-Con is kinda funny & does go quiet a ways toward making me possibly consider going out to an actual theater for a teen slasher flick. Then again, seeing the words "teen slasher flick" in print makes me think- maybe not. Who knows. Just watch the dang CLiP.

Oh Yeah... and here's the REAL Jennifer's Body...

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