Friday, October 20, 2006

Courtney Love Again

Courtney Love made one of the greatest rock albums of all time. I constantly turn to "Live Through This" when I need to let off a little steam. (NOTE: I will beat up anyone who challenges the merit of these songs or gives the sole credit to Kurt Cobain.) Because she is responsible for said masterpiece, I have always rooted for Ms. Love. Out loud. In recent years, she has not made me look good as I hold to my stubborn belief in her ability to do it again. But I really want her to do it again. Maybe she will. She has a scrapbook memoir coming out on Halloween, which is, I'm assuming, to help promote the new Linda Perry produced CD she will be releasing soon. I'm sure I'll buy them both.

Sober for more than a year, Courtney Love is working on a comeback album after a highly publicized struggle with substance abuse. People magazine quotes Linda Perry, who has been working with Love on her new album, as saying "Courtney is the queen of rock and roll to me. Damn it all to hell. She is the last one."

Pre-Order Love's book, "Dirty Blonde : The Diaries Of Courtney Love"

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