I love THiS stuff! I hope it's real for so many reasons. I'd relish seeing the government shamed into admitting they've been wrong or (more likely) lying to the public for a long, long time. It would be fun to see the MANY so-called "crazy" civilians who have witnessed & dared to speak out about unidentified flying objects vindicated. I dig the possible spiritual implications. And aliens are groovy.
7th July 2009, Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England. Crop Circle located south west of the hill off the A4 highway...
"A Wiltshire Police Sergeant was driving in his private car towards Marlborough on the A4 highway and about to pass Silbury Hill on his left. He looked to his right and witnessed three exceptionally tall beings inspecting the new crop circle which appeared there on the 5th July. He stopped his vehicle and watched them for several minutes because they stood out as odd. Each of them were well over six feet tall, each had blond hair and also they all were wearing one piece white suites, with hoods that had been dropped onto the back of their heads...
After a few minutes watching them, he said they were appeared to be examining the crop in the circle, he shouted at them from a distance of about 400 yards but they ignored him. As soon as he entered the field, they became aware of him and ran at an amazing speed to the south, away from Silbury Hill. He said I recognised that I could never catch up with them they ran so exceptionally fast. He glanced away for just a few seconds and looked back to find that they had completely vanished. He became very uneasy and left the scene...
The police officer was very aware of hearing a static crackling sound in the field and around him. He said as the plants moved around, he could see the movement coincided with the level of sound, as if the static was effecting the plants by moving them."
"This is the same location where on the 23 May 1994, four researchers (including one nuclear scientist) visiting a crop design in this field, witnessed intense military presence moments before they each experienced 45 minutes missing time and within a short while a further period of missing time. Each had red marks appear on their necks and had severe nose bleeds hours later."
"This is also the site of a secret military stake out which took place during the 1990 Operation Blackbird, where over these fields a large unidentified white orb was filmed by the army present."
(story source : Colin Andrews, photos by : Steve Alexander & John Montgomery)
And hell, while I'm at it, I might as well show you THiS...
Intelligent moving spheres emerge from a UFO:
(Heads up: shaky camera work & subtitles, BUT the vids worth putting up with these slight annoyances)