Thursday, June 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is one of the few living people I count as a hero-role model. I really don't care for her taste in movies, but I LOVE her, the free-thinking woman, the mother, the adventurer-pilot & hands on humanitarian. This lady has squeezed more into her 34 years than most of us can ever dream of achieving in a life time. Plus, her very existence is testament to the fact that you absolutely can not lead your life to please others, because it's impossible to please them all, and, no matter how impressive your record, maybe even the more impressive your record, there will always be a vicious sea of detractors sipping on their haterade & casting the ol' green eye. I strongly urge any AJ haters to pick up a copy of Notes From My Travels & then get back to me about why it is again they find her so threatening. She's one of the good guys, people, and, for that, we shall celebrate the day she was born! Oh happy day...

UPDATE: Read this awesome piece she wrote for TiME...