Sunday, April 01, 2007

Gainsbourg's "Lemon Incest"

My eyes! My eyes! I thought I'd look up "Lemon Incest", the video & song Charlotte Gainsbourg made with her father, Serge Gainsbourg, when she was just a kid. Every article or interview on Charlotte these days (& there are a lot of 'em) makes her out to be this chic young thing, from equally happenin' parents, casually mentioning the controversy surrounding "Lemon Incest" when it first came out. I thought the controversy was based on the title alone, that the actual video would be some artsy, black & white deal with classic, romantic imagery- you know, French. But oh was I wrong. It's a Totally 80s cheese-fest. And a pervy one at that. I'm going to have nightmares for a week. God help you if you watch this...


Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeeeeew! Nasty.

Anonymous said...

That is too weird. I like Charlotte Gainsbourg, but c'mon.

Anonymous said...

excellent! Bravo Charlotte. Forget the Vatican.