Sunday, March 18, 2007

Meet Lacey Love

There's a bunch of girls like me. We're like an army of like-minded females, tearing out pages from our care-worn copies of Lula magazine, taping em to the walls, working and reworking our outfits into indie perfection, scouring the web for the next big band or brand, cuzz it's only cool if you find it first. We make stuff, all kinds of stuff: clothes, paintings, jewelry, comics, food, websites, music, collages, super cute rooms. We usually bounce from one groovy odd job to the next, promoting rock bands, hawking vintage goods, answering phones at the local "it" joint, making our bills with a careless non-challance that is sometimes charming & more often annoying to our older, more steady relations. People use to refer to folk like us as "dilettantes", which has become a ridiculously out-moded term in the face of the new multi-tasking thousands, maybe millions, excelling at more than their one measly little lot in life. Famous dabblers like J.Lo, Gwen Stefani & Milla Jovovich have given us even more license to do whatever we want. I've met a lot of these women on line and want to tell you about one in particular today. She lives in Austin, Texas and goes by the name Lacey Love. She's a wife, a myspace whirling dervish, a poet, a promoter for one of my favorite bands, The Like, a zine journalist, stylist, blogger, collage artist, & she's just opened her own vintage web-shop. If you get a sec in the next couple of days, you should swing by one of her pages and give her a shout. I bet she'd like that. She's a friendly lil' thing.

Lacey's Main Page

Lacey Love Vintage

Raw Indie Press (featuring Lacey's work & owned by another cool multi-tasking chickadee, Dusty Rose)


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm totally one of those girls! Right on. I love this blog.

Anonymous said...

thanks koshi! you are soooo totally my mentor. you inspire me to keep creating. xoxo laceylove