I'm a little behind on the blogging & the March newsletter, because I got a very cool last minute opportunity to stay at this adorable beach cottage, right on the water in Carpenteria. If you have a copy of my coloring book, WiLL WORK FOR FOOD, or my first zine, KOSHi iS... TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL, you know that I write poetry. I also write lyrics for a rock band I'm in called Obedient Waves, which kind of led me to this opportunity. I've been hired to write lyrics for an awesome rock band out of Santa Barbara & they put me up in this cute beach pad so that I could work with the lead singer & main lyricist in person. The experience was 100% perfect- good chemistry with the singer, gorgeous weather, a full moon (red, no less) & the ocean with my Billy.
aw. don't you two look cute!
Lucky girl!
I read this blog every gosh darn day, Koshi girl. Like you had to show me ;)
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