Two of Tinsel Town's loveliest ladies, both official ambassadors of goodwill, are trying to get our attention about something that is far more concerning than the war in Iraq, which, if you ask me, is really just an elaborate ploy to control the world's oil- a fuel that should have been deemed obsolete a long time ago.
These women are risking their privelaged lives to try to show us something important. The least we can do is see what they have to say...
& CLiCK here to read about the two day mission ANGELiNA JOLiE just made to eastern Chad, which enabled her to assess how the security situation has deteriorated for Sudanese refugees since her last visit to Chad three years ago.(This Article Written By The Angelina Jolie)
Do you have to be super-model gorgeous to be a goodwill ambassador or what? Remember Audrey Hepburn?
Angelina Jolie is the bomb! Who knew a Hollywood A-lister could be so deep?
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