Friday, January 05, 2007

KOSHi LUVS... Show Pony

Show Pony is this super adorable, tiny hipster shop in Echo Park/Silver Lake (the best part of L.A.). Kime Buzzelli is the owner and a very cool illustrator-designer-girl-about-town supporting other very cool illustrator-designer-girls-about-town. Now, she's set up a Show Pony Ebay shop for all you poor souls living outside La La Land to enjoy. So... what are you waiting for???


themoldydoily said...

I LOVE you...this is the sweetest thing!
I've been making new t-shirts and stuff too but I'm selling them on etsy.
it's like the crafty ebay- XOXO

Anonymous said...

I love Show Pony! Koshi & Show Pony actually remind me a lot of each other.